
Day 6-7: The Train to Ulaanbaatar

Friday (day 6), after 5 full days in Beijing, we had to get up bright and early to board the first leg of our Trans-Siberian journey. It was actually so surreal to be heading off on this epic cross-continent train journey that we kind of had to keep pinching ourselves to realize that it was […]

Leg stretching and gear testing

A friend of our’s has chased winter for years – bouncing between the northern and southern hemispheres to live in a near permenant of sub-sero temperatures for the better portion of a decade. [She’s a snowboard instructor, so if you are thinking this last sentence is a statement of insanity, it is actually grounded in reason.] […]

Shopping Success

We went to Mountain Equipment Co-op to start kitting out. It was a very successful shop! Derek got long underware, I mean, a base-layer (new fancy word!) Look at his spiffy self (editted for public viewing) 😉 Derek is modeling a matching set of Patagonia Carilene 2 Crew and matching bottoms.  When trying them on […]

Camera bags that don’t look like you’re a tourist

Christmas has come and gone, and I never wrote about my “Dear Santa” list. My main Santa Clause (ahem… Derek) knew that I really wanted / needed a new camera bag but the problem for dear old Santa is this: how to pick a camera bag to fit someone else’s needs. So, Santa did not bring […]