
Day 24: Saint Petersburg

And continuing on with our last (full) day in Russia!* (there is a good story about this at the end. It involves borders, bribes and Brits). We arrived at Kazan Cathedral. Like all active churches, we couldn’t take photos inside, but suffice to say it was much like St Petersburg itself: very Russian but oddly […]

Market Day Photos (from Beijing)

So, this is the first of several update-posts. Enjoy our photo-narrative of our shopping day at the Pearl Market and Donghumen Night Market. On our way to the subway, transferring from our Hutong hotel to the downtown one, we stopped to take in the sights. Below the bridge that was our street, there were many […]

Currency Complexities

Beyond a shadow of a doubt I know why the EU was invented now! It isn’t for all of those ‘official’ reasons you’ve heard – it was because they all enjoy vacationing! And nothing complicates a vacation than dealing with many countries, each with their own set of coins and bills. Which brings me to our current situation… Distance […]