Archive | October 2012

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Mastercard? Amex? Oh wait… VISA is the name of the game

I know – completely lame, and likely overused title. But seriously – why is there a Visa credit card and a visa travel document? This a life mystery that I fail to understand. Yeah, I should probably go to wikipedia or something, but that takes effort. I somewhat enjoy being perplexed by this issue and […]

And we are booked!

Oh my goodness! We did it! We booked our trip!!!!! I can’t believe I actually hit “confirm” on the flights and the tour. With my passport arriving on Saturday, there was no reason to not book. My credit card is probably slightly stunned. Departing April 20 for Beijing and coming home May 18 from Vilnius. The […]

Currency Complexities

Beyond a shadow of a doubt I know why the EU was invented now! It isn’t for all of those ‘official’ reasons you’ve heard – it was because they all enjoy vacationing! And nothing complicates a vacation than dealing with many countries, each with their own set of coins and bills. Which brings me to our current situation… Distance […]

There are photography rules?

Derek and I enjoy many of the same things when we travel. Walking, exploring, markets, finding random street art, food, and of course, taking LOTS of pictures! (Our last trip together to BC netted about 2,000 photos for one week). With our television in the living room hooked up to a computer, and photos running […]

Health Status +5

I am the biggest wimp when it comes to getting vaccinations. I’m a nurse. I LOVE giving vaccines, but I hate getting them. It’s not the needle. My colleagues at the office are fantastic shot givers. It’s the feeling of fluid going into my muscles that makes me squeam. And then the aching arm and […]

Passport woes

To get into each of the countries en route, we need visas. And Russia is a particular joy, complete with requiring invitations, and registration while in country. All suffice to say passports must be in ship-shape state. I took a look at mine today. My passport expires in late October 2013. Great! Wait. 6 months needed […]

First Steps for First Shots

So, if you didn’t know, I’m a nurse. It is of course only natural that the first things I research are vaccines needed for going overseas. Previous travels for both of us have included the EU and Canada/the US. Not the most microbe-prone places on this planet. But going to developing nations, especially where we […]

Ze plan ze plan!

So… while not booked yet, we are on our way to taking a fantastically epic trip of a life time!!! We are going to be heading to Beijing (China) and hopping on the Trans-Siberian Railway through Ulaan Baatar (Mongolia), Irkutsk, Listvyana, Moscow and St. Petersburg (Russia) and out home through Vilnius (Lithuania). The plan is […]