Archive | January 2013

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Camera bags that don’t look like you’re a tourist

Christmas has come and gone, and I never wrote about my “Dear Santa” list. My main Santa Clause (ahem… Derek) knew that I really wanted / needed a new camera bag but the problem for dear old Santa is this: how to pick a camera bag to fit someone else’s needs. So, Santa did not bring […]

We Got a GoPro!

Today’s post is actually co-written by the both of us! I think this is the first. 🙂 Thanks to a very lovely pair of Santa Clauses, we got a GoPro (Hero2) camera for Christmas. I know I know, yet another camera (more on our camera gear later)!  But really, until Christmas, we only had our […]

In which I am glad to be in Canada…

So today was brutally cold here. We have just come off a nice warm spell in our fair neck of the woods, with temperatures hovering around -1ºC to +9ºC. Lots of ice (which sucked) but it was a warm break. This morning I checked my phone weather app and it told me it was 0ºC. […]

Modern-Day Travelling

I don’t think there is any denying it, travelling has become overall much better when you compare it to “the good ‘ol days”. That’s not implying that things used to be bad, but I think it is more a statement how much better things have become over time. When my parents took me travelling growing […]

Let’s learn about: Lake Baikal

So cruising videos over the last few weeks, and going to share a few. Today’s location: Lake Baikal… 1. Some of the wildlife around the lake 2. Ice we may see in May 3. Why we aren’t going in the winter (no matter how fun this looks) Next up… Go-Pro videos of the trip (we […]