
Day 10-11-12: The train, the border and travelling to Irkust/Listvyanka

After saying goodbye to Ulaanbaatar on the eve of day 10 we boarded the train bound for our next destination, Irkust. Getting on the train was easy, we found our cabin (which we were sharing with the Chileans) and started to settle in. However trying to settle in resulted in a bit of a shock […]

Day 6-7: The Train to Ulaanbaatar

Friday (day 6), after 5 full days in Beijing, we had to get up bright and early to board the first leg of our Trans-Siberian journey. It was actually so surreal to be heading off on this epic cross-continent train journey that we kind of had to keep pinching ourselves to realize that it was […]

The dirty Hungarian phrasebook

I will not buy this record, it is scratched. When in on this trip, if I only say something this inoffensive I will be happy. For those of you wondering about the non-sequitur, enjoy a good skit. When at home communication is key. You need it in your job, with your friends, and to explain […]

So many things crossed off the list!

Awesome week!!! We got a lot checked off the prep list: Mongolian visas acquired! Whoot Derek! Hotel in Beijing booked (Soluxe Sunshine Courtyard Hotel) Hotel in Vilnius booked (Dvaras Hotel) Invite to China asked for and received Research on booking for train from St Petersburg to Vilnius started On the issue of the last item, […]

Even Mother Nature has to answer to somebody

Is it a bird? A plane? Nope. It is space sending down a large chunk of rock and ice to Earth as a way of reminding us that even the planet has someone to answer to. Normally I would be thinking “that was cool” followed by “glad I wasn’t there”, however in this case I […]

How it is to ride the train

Are you wanting to hide in our suitcases/backpacks? Don’t want to worry about the shots and other minor complications such as language barriers and visas? Do you not want to worry who comes to sit in your train car? Well, thanks to some technology, time, and a dash of craziness you can enjoy the train from the […]

Modern-Day Travelling

I don’t think there is any denying it, travelling has become overall much better when you compare it to “the good ‘ol days”. That’s not implying that things used to be bad, but I think it is more a statement how much better things have become over time. When my parents took me travelling growing […]

Training for the train

Training for the Train A three day trip to a conference down the highway gave me the option to fly or take the train. Given my hatred of the paranoid system that is air transit (that ends up taking the same length of time or longer than a couple-hour train or car ride down the […]

And we are booked!

Oh my goodness! We did it! We booked our trip!!!!! I can’t believe I actually hit “confirm” on the flights and the tour. With my passport arriving on Saturday, there was no reason to not book. My credit card is probably slightly stunned. Departing April 20 for Beijing and coming home May 18 from Vilnius. The […]

Currency Complexities

Beyond a shadow of a doubt I know why the EU was invented now! It isn’t for all of those ‘official’ reasons you’ve heard – it was because they all enjoy vacationing! And nothing complicates a vacation than dealing with many countries, each with their own set of coins and bills. Which brings me to our current situation… Distance […]